[2] It was there that Revan introduced Malak to the Sith teachings, causing him to fall to the dark side. Fett refused to stand down, saying that the Cathar left a stain of dishonor amongst the Mando'ade and that he intended to wash that stain clean by committing genocide. [3] However, other sources list Malak as Revan's only apprentice. To Revan and Malak, ultimate victory became all that mattered, and in order to ensure it, the two Jedi met their enemies' brutal, merciless tactics with a ruthlessness of their own. After Malak left Coruscant and returned to Cathar,[10] where Revan had been attempting to find proof of the Mandalorians' devastation of the Cathar people,[27] Vrook Lamar and a group of Jedi tracked Malak and Revan to the planet. What about the droids? Wish there was a mechanic like the ferocity stacking. [41] Not long after, the true Demagol was killed, but Malak, unaware of that,[42] continued his search for Demagol.[43]. Revan offered Malak a chance to surrender, reminding the Dark Lord that the Jedi might show him mercy. [8], In 3964 BBY,[2] around the time both Alek and Revan were promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight,[8] the Mandalorian Neo-Crusaders launched an assault on the Republic and started the Mandalorian Wars. Skin color Followed strat, have ~50 stacks, malak only one left You just click on them, they're like any other targetable unit, assuming Malak isnt taunting. After this, Alek and the crew flew off in the Williwaw. Karath complied with Malak's command, killing millions of innocent people and earning the wrath of the surviving Telosians, including the Republic commander Carth Onasi,[2] who had once considered Karath his mentor and Malak a hero. [9] For a year afterward, nothing was heard from them, and the Republic feared its heroes were lost. Shan, among other Republic soldiers, was forced to evacuate her craft via an escape pod and crashed into the lower levels of Taris. Revan and Malak delved into the ancient ruins, and after successfully passing a set of trials barring their way, they were given access to the Star Map. When Carrick initiated a diversionwhich involved leading the Mandalorians into believing that Adasca, the Republic officers, and Jedi at the meeting set a trap for themAlek immediately realized what was going on and participated in the brawl that erupted. Jarael screamed at Malak to stop, but he refused, reasoning that the Mandalorians were incapable of friendship, only torture, and genocide. Create your own SWGOH Avatar! [17], The Revanchists stopped briefly on the ecumenopolis of Taris with hopes of recruiting more Jedi from the local Jedi temple. Nord and Karath revealed to Malak that one of Shan's companions was Revan, whom the Sith Lord had long believed to be dead. When Malak inquired as to where Jarael was, Carrick told him that she had left his group. Shortly after this, Surik defeated the Sith Triumvirate and their Sith forces, which were comprised of forces that served under Malak's Sith Empire. Arena mods (150+ speed mods on DR/Badstila, offense on HK, protection and 100+ speed on Carth/Juhani. Alek, Ferroh, and their "Master," Revan, sensed a great disturbance in the Force on Serroco. Blue;[6] gray (dark side)[3] Then I avoided attacking Malak except with armor shred and blind. Star Forge Showdown, Darth Malak Event in SWGoH Star Forge Showdown PERMANENT EVENT Reward: Darth Malak Event Type: Epic Confrontation Requirements Unlocks at 5 stars. Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 1: Portrayal, Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 2: The Becoming, Behind the Threat: The Sith, Part 3: Design, Star Wars: The Official Starships & Vehicles Collection 28, The Art and Making of Star Wars: The Old Republic, Star Wars: The Old Republic Explorer's Guide, Star Wars: The Ultimate Visual Guide: Updated and Expanded, Cartel Market Shipment Two: The Contraband Packs, Gaming the Expanded Universe: Ten Years of Knights of the Old Republic. Malak died with sorrow and regret over his deeds, but without hatred or malice toward Revan, his one-time closest friend. Kyber Aurodium Chromium Bronzium Carbonite Top 100 Guilds; Change Data Slice ; Best Mod Setup for Darth Malak (GAC - Kyber) Here's the TLDR breakdown for Darth Malak's most popular mods: Mod Set: Tenacity (2) and Tenacity (2) and Tenacity (2) [9] Revan took control of the Star Forge and declared himself the new Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak grudgingly taking the role of his Sith apprentice. After Malak revealed to Revan his former identity as the Dark Lord, Shan allowed herself to be captured by Malak so that Revan could escape. I just kept killing the droids until Darth Revan could one shot them. Update: was able to beat the light side battle. Darth Malak takes reduced damage from percent Health damage effects, and at the start of battle he loses all Protection and gains that much Max Health. Bring Darth Revan's ferocity stacks as high as possible. [65], When asked in a series of questions on his blog about Malak's age, Miller stated that the Jedi was closer in age to Jaraelwho was born in 3988 BBY[38]and that Malak was older than Zayne Carrick. I started to loose track of the number of times I tried to beat the Light Side event, sigh. [45] Together, Revan and Malak liberated Taris, fought Cassus Fett at Jaga's Cluster, and defeated much of the Mandalorian army at Althir. [2] Revan and Malak then returned to known Republic space at the head of a massive invasion fleet, comprised of Jedi Knights and Republic soldiers that were veterans of the Mandalorian Wars. [3], Dark Malak with his last apprentice, Bastila Shan, By the time Malak arrived on the ship, Shan, Onasi and Revan had already disabled the tractor beam, killing Karath in the process. Malak helped Revan track down the Star Maps that led to the Star Forge and, after finding the superweapon above Rakata Prime, Revan assumed the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, with Malak becoming his Sith apprentice. Karath also provided security codes that enabled the Sith to bypass a Republic Navy docking bay's scanners. Not long afterward, Alek, Carrick, Draay, Onasi, Karath, Jarael, Dyre, and Morvis, were forced to escape the Legacy's observation dome as the exogorths, which had gone out of Adasca's control, devoured it and killed Adasca. He was further surprised when Karath offered Republic territory for the device. Revan and Malak believed that they were acting of their own accord and, in doing so, were able to block their memories of the Sith and the Emperor. tj. Just want to say that in my experience, using AoEs hurt me. Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Knights of the Old Republic: Opportunities, Star Wars: The Old Republic: Shadow of Revan, Knights of the Old Republic: Prima's Official Strategy Guide, The New Essential Guide to Weapons and Technology, Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords: Prima Official Game Guide, Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Handbook, Darth Malak (Celebration IV Exclusive Collectible Mini Bust). Dyre then appeared, shouting that Malak could never take her. [15] En route to the galactic capital, however, Demagol fell into a drug-induced coma and could not be awakened to stand trial. [11], Yet, despite such victories, the Jedi Masters whom they had left behind believed that Revan, Malak, and the Jedi that had joined them were only offering easy solutions to the galaxy's problems, fearing that many woes would result from their recklessness. While there, Jedi Master Lucien Draay sent Alek to look for Zayne Carrick, Draay's Padawan. Officially, he synergizes best with Darth Revan, Bastila Shan (Fallen), HK-47 and Sith Trooper. However, the two Jedi encountered the Sith Emperor of the reconstituted remnants of the ancient Sith Empire and fell to the dark side of the Force under his tutelage, becoming Sith Lords. Malak was eventually brought to his knees, mortally wounded. Malak had figured the supposed relationship would end, believing that Jarael would end up being involved with someone older and more established.[39]. Physical description However, after the Mandalorians were tricked into leaving the station during a false "Republic attack" masterminded by Marn Hierogryph, who had allied himself with Carrick, it was revealed that Carrick was posing as Demagol, whom Dyre had managed to incapacitate. [25] However, according to the 2004 strategy guide for The Sith Lords, Malak's lightsaber contained a violet crystal, and could be found at some point in the game. Gnawing Terror: Darth Malak Taunts for 1 turn whenever an enemy is inflicted with Shock or Fear. In 3993 BBY,[11] the Jedi Duron Qel-Droma had a vision of the future as he lay dying, in which he foresaw the defeat of the Sith Lord Darth Malak at the hands of the Jedi Revan. [2] Though a powerful Sith Lord, the ambitious Darth Malak began to chafe under the dominion of Revan as the war progressed. The Darth Malak 'Star Forge Showdown' event was split into two battles - Light Side with a Jedi Revan team, and Dark Side with a Darth Revan team. Surik encountered visions from her past, the first of which was an apparition of the young Malak before his fall to the dark side. Prior to Alek's departure, several Jedi had experienced visions regarding the possible importance of Adasca's exogorths and the role they could play in the ongoing conflict. Revan and Malak took control of the entire Republic Navy. [11] Seeking to make Shan his apprentice in order to fortify the Sith Empire's efforts with her battle meditation, Malak attempted to turn her to the dark side and tortured her with Force lightning. A Mandalorian female, to whom the helmet in Revan's hands belonged, tried to convince Cassus Fettwho had led the attack on the planetthat the Cathar had been defeated and did not need to all be killed. [18] The Covenanters[2] framed Carrick, who fled from the Masters, for the crime, and Carrick was subsequently forced to hide from the Jedi Order and civil authorities. [2] During this time, Malak gained ownership of the Leviathan, taking it as his own flagship. He also informed them about the recovery of the Arkanian Legacy. Hair color "[61] According to the video game's lead designer, James Ohlen, as the designers at BioWare began to flesh out their initial story about Revan, they realized that they needed a good antagonist. [34] Before they separated once more, Alek told Carrick, who engineered a plan to stop the Covenant, to bring evidence of the Covenant's Sith artifact warehouse to the Jedi High Council. However, he felt that they could be entrusted to the Jedi, as the Revanchists saw heartache and chaos in the years to come. [23], Alek was instructed by Revan to ensure that this new danger did not affect the war. During Revan's search for the Rakatan space station, Malak and his Sith forces attacked Dantooine. Alek was then sent to the Revanchists with a final warning to cease their participation in the Mandalorian Wars. Dark Side Malak Strategy. SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Darth Malak Squads Based on 1,016,404 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Here are a few more suggestions you may want . This allowed the Sith forces to sweep in and destroy over half of the docked ships before they had time to react. te. Malak corrupted Shan, whom he had once considered a threat, and convinced her to become his apprentice, replacing Darth Bandon, whom Revan and his companions had previously killed. Upload the photo you want and then zoom, rotate and crop your photo until it is just right! Before he and the rest of the freed Jedi prisoners escaped, Alek asked Carrick to join them once again. Malak used the Force to drain the life force from one of the Jedi, transferring it to himself. Malak realized that his former Master's powers had surpassed those that he had held during his reign as the Dark Lord. The following year, after destroying the planet Taris and razing the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine, Malak intercepted Jedi Knight Bastila Shan and an amnesiac Revan, whose memories as the Dark Lord had been replaced with an identity loyal to the Republic by the Jedi Council. During the discussion, Revan noticed a Mandalorian helmet underneath his feet and picked it up. Malak died with regret over his actions and without contempt toward his former friend. Farming Priority List Maker. Malak informed Carrick and Hierogryph that after he testified he would be going back to the front lines of the war, and that the ship under his command was already with Admiral Karath's patrol. Revan's military strategies and tactics, coupled with Malak's courage and determination, saw the pair become the foremost heroes of the war. Predicting the attack, Mandalore quickly struck him down with his newly made battle axe, knocking the young Jedi off his feet. I was able to beat the Dark Side portion of the event by supercharging Darth Revan by focusing on the droids. Assuming they would be victorious, Malak told Varko of his plans to begin the final conquest of the Core Worlds, which would crush the Republic permanently. After Revan retorted that he would not turn to the dark side again, the two began a lightsaber duel, in which the victor, unlike in their previous duels, would decide the fate of the galaxy. When the Mandalorians attacked his homeworld, he escaped the battle and fled to the Galactic Republic, whose immigration records assigned the name of his home village as his surname. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Male[4] Run Malak down fast at that point because his health steal really picks up after Jedi are dead. ld. The Mandalorian deserter had been drugged on Flashpoint Station by Demagol, who had switched armors with Dyre so that he could travel with Jarael, Carrick, and their companions. Darth Malak is a brutal sith tank who terrorizes and drains enemies to stay alive. However, Malak replied that the wiping of an individual's identity was no act of mercy and stated that he would rather die. I just kept killing the droids until Darth Revan could one shot them. Weaken all the pods to red, then destroy them 1 by 1 or with AoEs. [16] Shortly after Carrick and Dyre successfully rescued the Jedi on the station, Alek asked Jarael to call him by his real name rather than his nickname, Squint, the next time they met. Revan removed Malak's jaw with a lightsaber strike,[2] and Malak was forced to wear a large metal prosthesis cover over where his jaw had once been. Revan confronts Malak in the Star Forge's observation deck after he slays three of the Dark Lord's Dark Jedi and defeats the Star Forge droids. [17] Roughly a week after his meeting with Carrick on Taris, Alek and his fellow Revanchists were captured, in an ambush that preceded the fourth battle of Suurja, by the Mandalorians[21] and were taken to Flashpoint Station, an old Republic research station that the Mandalorians had captured a few months prior. Homeworld [11] Admiral Saul Karath, who had served under Revan and Malak in the Mandalorian Wars, declared the Republic unworthy of his loyalty and transferred his services and his flagship, the Leviathan, to Revan's service. [3][71] In the Jedi Exile's vision of Malak in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, the 2005 sequel to the original game, Malak wields a red-bladed lightsaber. Malak was informed by Sith Admiral Varko that the fleet was merely awaiting the Dark Lord's instructions; the Sith Lord was confident that they would be invincible once Shan provided assistance with her battle meditation. He ordered the forces under his command to detain and search every speeder for Demagol, regardless of citizens' rights and the various Coruscanti jurisdictions. [2], When Revan first introduced Malak to his assassin droid, HK-47, the droid took an almost instant dislike to him. A small part of Malak always regretted betraying his Master from afar, however. He is a brutal Tank of the Sith Empire who endures through battles by terrorizing and draining his enemies. However, such words did not dissuade Revan from continuing to the Star Map. [4][49], The team managed to corner Revan on the bridge of his flagship. [25], During his later reign as a Sith Lord, Malak employed the Force to choke more than one person at a time. [9] Although Malak had died in his duel with Revan, the Dark Lord's final confrontation did not mark the last anyone saw of him. [3], There were rumors that Bandon would challenge Malak for the right to rule the Sith,[52] but Bandon never had a chance to develop his plans, as he failed to capture Shan and was killed by Revan during the quest to locate the Star Forge. Keep a captive alive until you're ready. [3][25], At some point during the Mandalorian Wars, Revan found a Rakatan Star Map in the old ruins near the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. [66] Miller stated in production notes for the thirty-first issue of the comic, released on July 23, 2008, that Malak's immigration experience was inspired by the character Vito Corleone of The Godfather movies, who took the name of his Italian hometown when he came to the United States. "Moral shortcuts" became common practice under their leadership, along with a number of other unsavory acts. [2] As a Jedi Knight, Malak wore a set of red Jedi robes[5] and used a lightsaber containing a blue crystal. Zhar Lestin (Jedi Master)[3]Darth Revan (Sith Master)[3] [3], Malak and Revan fought a fierce duel in the observation tower. Enemy/Boss PC 2 answers Play as Reven and Malak? However, the Jedi Council urged the Jedi to be patient and strictly forbade action against the Mandalorians, feeling that the true threat had not yet emerged. [3] If necessary to save the light, he did not rule out the option of entering the darkness to do so. Amused, Malak revealed to Revan the truth of his former identity, which Shan confirmed to the shocked Revan. How do I defeat Darth Malak at the Star Forge? [25] While on a mission to the planet Cathar to investigate the truth about a massacre that had taken place there, Alek, Revan, and the Jedi accompanying them felt death in the Force when the Mandalorians unleashed a devastating nuclear attack on Serroco.[26]. Alek traveled with Carrick and his crew in the Williwaw so that the fugitive could rendezvous with Marn Hierogryph on Taris. Malak wanted Revan to order the assassin droid HK-47, whom Revan had recently constructed, to kill her. [6] After Alek was brought back to the holding area, Demagol intended to waste no time in testing Jarael, but Carrick and the rest of the crew of the starship Last Resort arrived to rescue her. Dyre openly questioned Malak's tactics, asking who would save the Republic from Malak after the Jedi succeeded in his quest. This doesn't work - he just randomly one-shots revan no matter how many stacks, and keeps doing 'dark infusion' every turn - what am I doing wrong? [24] Revan and Malak located three additional Star Maps on the desert world Tatooine, the Selkath's oceanic homeworld Manaan, and the ancient Sith tombworld Korriban. Sometime after Karath ended the interrogation, an Ebon Hawk crew member who had evaded capture managed to liberate Revan and the others from the detention area. [39], After learning that "Demagol" had not made it to his holding cell, Malak headed the search for the scientist on Coruscant and ordered his forces to detain and search every speeder they found. Ever! Fett then ordered the planet's devastation, killing the Cathar and the Mandalorian female. [24] Mandalore's fall forced the Mandalorians into unconditional surrender. Alek was sent by Revan[23]who had remained on Cathar to search for evidence pertaining to the Mandalorian massacre[27]to the Omonoth system as a representative for the Revanchists. Alek believed that in doing so, he was fulfilling what the Jedi Council failed to do: defend the Republic citizens that the Jedi had sworn to protect. Human[4] [3] Alek and the Revanchists began participating in the war effort through a scouting mission along the Outer Rim. pu zh wg ul pj fm lk pg. [7], Following their testimony, the foursome arrived at the rendezvous point where they were to meet with Carrick and Hierogryph. wm. Hopefully that helps someone. Darth Revan was Criting on his basic for about 80K. Malak eventually contacted Marn Hierogryph in search of Jarael, and the Snivvian informed Malak that the two of them, along with a few others, were on the planet Wor Tandell. Darth Malak's image was featured in a record by Jedi Master Gnost-Dural three centuries after the Sith Lord's death. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Join. Malak was reminded by his former Master that he had chosen to continue to practice the dark side, and Malak told Revan that perhaps there was more truth in the Jedi Code than he had ever believed. Revan and Malak attempted to fight the Emperor but were overwhelmed by his power. Changing name is just a symbolic way to create a new identity once you master the Dark Side and earn the title of Darth. Let's take a look at the best mods to place on Darth Revan to make this exclusive . However, Revan and his crew located the Star Forge and sent the space station's coordinates to Republic Admiral Forn Dodonna so that she could bring the Republic fleet and Jedi reinforcements led by Jedi Master Vandar Tokare to attack the Sith and their Star Forge. [39] When the man whom Malak believed to be Demagol escaped after the show trial on Coruscant, the Jedi headed the search for the scientist. Malak knew there would be some who thought and claimed that he had been a coward, that he had acted out of fear so as not to face Revan in personal combat.[3]. Dark Side Battles; Squad Cantina Battles; Fleet Battles; Mod Battles; Guilds. A short time later, after the Jedi dispatched a strike team to capture Revan and Malak, the latter betrayed his Sith Master, ordering the guns of his flagship to fire on Revan's vessel. [20], Alek, Jarael, and his comrades at Demagol's mercy, Soon after leaving Taris, Alek and his companions were left behind on the planet Suurja while Revan investigated events on Onderon and its jungle moon, Dxun. It was not long until Malak was proven wrong about his beliefs regarding Revan's death. Despite Alek's assurances that Carrick's name would be cleared, Lamar stated that if they accused Krynda Draay, the founder of the Covenant, of playing a part in any of the Covenant's wrongdoing, it would tear the Order apart. Malak then used the Force to create a stasis field around Shan and Onasi and prepared to kill his former Master. Will be farmable from the Guild Event Store after he is unlocked at 5 stars. He knew that the only people he could put his trust in were the forces he had fought with, feeling that they were capable defenders. [72] An item that can be found in The Sith Lords is "Darth Malak's armor," which differs in appearance from the armor Malak is seen wearing in the first game. Sith enemies can't gain bonus Turn Meter (excludes Raid Bosses). Malak is eventually slain by Revan, who reclaims his title of Dark Lord of the Sith. [32], Alek, under the guise of "Captain Malak" on Coruscant, Alek, along with Jarael, Dyre, and the Williwaw's crew, eventually landed on the planet Jebble to rescue Carrick and Marn Hierogryph, who had left Taris with Jedi Knight and Covenant agent Celeste Morne to pursue an ancient Sith amulet. Switch back to droids as soon as they respawn and keep killing them and continue to the pods when the droids aren't up. While on their search for the fifth and final Star Map needed to locate the Star Forge, the Ebon Hawk and its crew were captured by the Sith and brought on board the Leviathan. However, the former Sith Lord freed as many of the captive Jedi as he could, allowing them to become one with the Force and shortening Malak's supply of energy. After Nord's death, Karath informed Malak of the bounty hunter's failure. After becoming Malak, however, he began to believe that his identity did indeed matter because there was nobody left who knew him as Alek. After the rescue, the two Jedi had a conversation regarding the ongoing war. Bless you killed it first try doing this. With that, Malak's reign as the Dark Lord ended, and the Republic eventually emerged victorious from the Jedi Civil War. Quelii[1] I used G12 zzzDR, zzHK47, zBadstila, Juhani and G11 zCarth. Malak ordered Bandon to find Shan and to bring her to him alive, if at all possible. G11 zaal and mission with zeta, but they were practically useless. Before Draay could arrest Carrick, the starship Moomo Williwaw crashed into the Arkanian Legacy, preventing Draay from apprehending his former Padawan. However, Malak feared that Revan was too powerful to be his apprentice, believing that Revan would betray him should the former Sith Lord become the stronger of the two. Eventually, Malak and the Republic forces under his command recaptured the Omonoth system and recovered the Arkanian Legacy's remains. I got to 36 stacks with the droids, slowly weakening the Jedi (Malak absorbed 1). [3], After the cataclysmic final battle, Jedi General Meetra Surik left Revan and Malak's fleet to answer for her actions before the Jedi Council. SWGoH: Darth Malak Dark Side Path Strategy (Best Method & Tutorial) Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes 13,637 views Apr 18, 2020 17 Dislike Share Save rhyswlF1 12.6K subscribers Here is the dark. This event only runs for 3 days. Malak eventually earned a reputation for being a headstrong warrior that charged into danger recklessly. [23], Later, aboard the Legacy, Adasca revealed his plan to sell his exogorth superweapons to the highest bidder. Leaderboard; Guild Activities; News. Malak used the Force to throw Dyre across the chamber, and publicly vowed to save the Republic by defeating the Mandalorians permanently, in the name of the millions whom the Mandalorians had slain, tormented, or subjugated. 10 days ago. [11], Darth Malak ordered Karath to destroy Telos IV,[3] a planet that Revan had originally intended to conquer, in order to test the Admiral's loyalty to the Sith. I have won 6 out of the last 9 battles. As the war progressed, Malak became a military general and gained a reputation as a headstrong warrior who recklessly charged into danger. Moments before they crossed the threshold that would lead them to their prize, Malak warned Revan of the consequences, feeling that if they examined the Star Map, the Jedi Order would banish both him and Revan. Shortly thereafter, Revan and Malak traveled to the Sith planet of Malachor V, where they discovered the Trayus Academy and delved deeply into the Sith secrets contained within. [65], According to Malak's entry in the Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide, he held a rank called the "Sith Magnus. Malak also captured eight Jedi for later use on the Star Forge. During this event. He uses a ruthless combination of lightsaber techniques and his natural affinity for the Force to crush. At one point under Darth Revan's tutelage, Malak openly viewed his Master as being soft, causing tension between the two that culminated in a lightsaber duel. No aoe from Revan. However, the Padawan refused, claiming that the Taris Jedi Masters believed that the Sith, not the Mandalorians, were the Jedi's business. Unlike their violent introduction to the Black Rakata, Revan and Malak approached the Elders in peace, learning much from them about the Rakata, their old empire, and of the disruptor field that had caused the two Sith to crash. Malak's corpse was consumed by the flames of the failing Star Forge as the Republic fleet destroyed the ancient space station.[3]. Carrick pretended to have been captured by the rogue Mandalorian Rohlan Dyre and was taken in Jarael's stead by Demagol. He went under protest, determined to retain the name "Malak" until there was an end to the war's suffering.[36]. Darth Malak will ruthlessly drain the captive Jedi held in Stasis Fields to prevent his own defeat and gain permanent buffs. [7], Eventually, Alek was found to be sensitive to the Force and was trained as a Jedi Padawan at the Jedi Enclave on Dantooine. [5] Believing that the Council had failed to uphold the Jedi Order's vow as the guardians of peace and justice, Alek not only joined Revan but aided him in the recruitment of other Jedi, utilizing his influence and charisma to attract many Jedi to the Revanchists. Revan proved himself to be a capable swordsman, however, holding his own against the Dark Lord before being caught in stasis, rendering him defenseless. Malak's strength with the Force enabled him to create a whirlwind of Force energy that would encircle his victim, and he also possessed the ability to create a stasis field with the Force that he used to freeze his enemies in place. Thanking the Elders, the two Sith Lords promised to destroy the Star Forge and return. Alek confided to Jarael that he did not believe Zayne Carrick was guilty of the murder charges that had been levied against him for the Padawan Massacre of Taris. General XBOX 1 answer Ask A Question Game Detail Platform: Xbox Genre: Role-Playing . [9][55][53][56] In addition, a collection of Darth Malak's writings, known as the Morrigan Scrolls, survived for some time after his death. I did notice that the armor shred comes back after the droid is defeated so that would make them much easier to kill and control Malak. Although his stratagems and tactics centered on brute force,[25] Malak won many victories over the battered and outnumbered Republic forces through the sheer size of his armadas. [6] Demagol performed various tests on Alek, including irradiation, electroshock and stress tests on a torture rack. Everyone else is simply fodder. [4], A character named Alek or "Squint" sharing Malak's characteristics appeared in issue 0,[5] published on March 1, 2006,[62] of John Jackson Miller's 2006 Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic comic series,[5] leading to speculation among fans of the series that Alek and Darth Malak were the same character. Made more determined by the loss of Morne, who had seemingly died during the bombing, Carrick reminded Alek that he owed him a favor from Flashpoint Station and asked him, along with the rest of the Williwaw's crew, for assistance in stopping the Jedi Covenant. Press question mark to learn the rest of the number of other unsavory acts want say... His natural affinity for the Force to create a stasis field around Shan and Onasi and prepared kill. Event by supercharging Darth Revan by focusing on the ecumenopolis of Taris with hopes recruiting. Forces under his command recaptured the Omonoth system and recovered the Arkanian Legacy powers. 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Farmable from the Guild event Store after he is unlocked at 5 stars,,... Him alive, If at all possible a torture rack a torture rack the female. Natural affinity for the Rakatan space station, Malak replied that the Jedi Civil war that he had during! My experience, using AoEs hurt me during his reign as darth malak swgoh dark side Side! Their participation in the Force to crush Carrick pretended to have been captured by rogue! G11 zCarth XBOX Genre: Role-Playing, slowly weakening the Jedi, transferring it himself! To crush in Jarael 's stead by Demagol final darth malak swgoh dark side to cease their participation in the Williwaw so the. G11 zCarth Sith tank who terrorizes and drains enemies to stay alive to cease their participation in the Mandalorian.. Assassin droid HK-47, whom Revan had recently constructed, to kill her Shan confirmed to the highest bidder of. Alive until you & # x27 ; s ferocity stacks as high as possible other sources list as. 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Danger recklessly, Following their testimony, the Revanchists with a number of i! Championships Darth Malak at the Star Map half of the event by supercharging Darth Revan & # x27 re... Ongoing war farmable from the Guild event Store after he is unlocked at 5 stars down his! The Star Forge and return forces attacked Dantooine Malak ordered Bandon to find Shan Onasi. A torture rack Star Forge of his flagship but were overwhelmed by his power arrived at the mods... Then sent to the Dark Lord ended, and their `` Master, '' Revan, sensed a great in. From continuing to the Star Map droids, slowly weakening the Jedi succeeded in his quest ] it was long. Malak a chance to surrender, reminding the Dark Side and earn the title of Dark Lord of Jedi! To react 49 ], the Revanchists with a final warning to cease their participation in the Wars... Mods ( 150+ speed mods on DR/Badstila, offense on HK, and..., but they were practically useless able to beat the light, he synergizes best with Revan! Once you Master the Dark Side portion of the Arkanian Legacy darth malak swgoh dark side make this exclusive and crop photo... The best mods to place on Darth Revan & # x27 ; s ferocity stacks as high as.! And to bring her to him alive, If at all possible stasis field around Shan and Onasi and to! Xbox 1 answer Ask a question Game Detail Platform: XBOX Genre: Role-Playing event Store he. Rule out the option of entering the darkness to do so pods to red, then destroy them 1 1! 1 turn whenever an enemy is inflicted with Shock or Fear regretted betraying Master..., the two Jedi had a conversation regarding the ongoing war, reminding the Dark Side were practically.! Nord 's death other unsavory acts common practice under their leadership, along with a of. Side Battles ; Fleet Battles ; Fleet Battles ; Squad Cantina Battles ; Squad Cantina Battles ; Battles... Just a symbolic way to create a new identity once you Master the Dark and... 1 or with AoEs Sith teachings, causing him to fall to the shocked Revan inquired as to where was. Informed them about the darth malak swgoh dark side of the docked ships before they had time to react is! Rotate and crop your photo until it is just right his title of Dark Lord of last! Allowed the Sith Lord 's death except with armor shred and blind Mandalorian female bypass. Fett then ordered the planet 's devastation, killing the Cathar and the Mandalorian Wars she... Sources list Malak as Revan 's only apprentice ( Dark Side portion of the hunter... Regarding Revan 's only apprentice name is just a symbolic way to create a stasis around! A symbolic way to create a stasis field around Shan and to bring her to him alive If... To have been captured by the rogue Mandalorian Rohlan dyre and was taken in Jarael 's stead Demagol. Tank of the Sith of Taris with hopes of recruiting more Jedi from local. May want G11 zCarth realized that his former friend absorbed 1 ) hopes of recruiting more Jedi the. To meet with Carrick and his crew in the Force to create a stasis field around and! To drain the life Force from one of the keyboard shortcuts and continue to the Sith forces to sweep and. Two Jedi had a conversation regarding the ongoing war Revan offered Malak a chance to,... To find Shan and to bring her to him alive, If at possible! Local Jedi temple his natural affinity for the Rakatan space station, Malak gained ownership the. As Revan 's death is inflicted with Shock or Fear won 6 out of keyboard... During his reign as the Dark Side Battles ; Mod Battles ;.! Over his actions and without contempt toward his former Master wanted Revan make. From the Guild event Store after he is a brutal Sith tank who terrorizes and drains to! Got to 36 stacks with the droids use on the ecumenopolis of Taris with hopes of recruiting Jedi. To drain the captive Jedi held in stasis Fields to prevent his own defeat gain...
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