A misfit of 20.5 is relatively low and indicates that the stress field at each gridpoint is homogeneous enough to be reliably found by inversion (Michael 1987). We have experimented with a range of damping schemes and noticed that the solution for is not as well constrained as the fault slip rates. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Our strike-slip rates agree with Meade et al. In the north, the SAF Carrizo segment moves at the geological rate for = 0 but is 7 mm yr-1 slower for our = 1 models. An important way to improve the resolution of electromagnetic exploration is by using known seismic and logging data. 10a). They were obtained by randomizing the solution, and the quoted ranges in Table 1 indicate the standard deviation from the mean. 2001). 1999). Some faults have not shown these signs and we will not know they are there until they produce a large earthquake. 1. For instance, the 0 model has block A rotate counter-clockwise and block F clockwise with respect to the SVD damped solution. A more detailed comparison between present-day geodetic slip rates and those from palaeoseismology and geomorphology with an improved geometrical representation of faults will be the subject of a future study. 6(b). Faults allow the blocks to move relative to each other. Three earthquakes in this sequence had a magnitude (M) of 7.0 or greater. Inversion results for t are normalized such that the maximum overall shear stress is 1-3= 1; sticks and colour bar have a linear scale. Our estimates of velocity gradients across the study region are based on a simplified crustal block model (Savage & Burford 1973), in which interseismic strain accumulation is taken up on faults that are locked. 1999). Shaw & Shearer 1999; Plesch et al. What type of fault is the most dangerous? Epicenter, hypocenter, aftershock, foreshock, fault, fault plane, seismograph, P-waves, magnitude, intensity, peak acceleration, amplification We hear them. 2(b) are indicative of the present-day, interseismic, and regional stress field in southern California. These correlations among block motion vectors are expected, given their small geometrical aperture and proximity to one another. 1. Whether the fault of the writers or not, it's not spelled out in-game and there is no evidence for what he did. There are two possible interpretations of this finding. Souter B.J.. Meade B.J. (2002a); the discussion will therefore be brief, and the extension to stresses is straightforward. The scale for slip rates [different for (a) and (b)] and residual velocities is indicated along with the mean residual velocity vector length, v, and the component-wise mean misfit (in brackets). In particular, we determine 15 mm yr-1 and 23 mm yr-1 of long-term slip on the SJF and the Indio segment of the SAF, respectively, accompanied by a low slip rate on the San Bernardino segment of the SAF. After three days the risk is almost gone. If you are looking for faults in California use: How Close to a Fault Do You Live? This indicates that slip rates can be robustly determined. High may be associated with fault zones that have a greater proportion of velocity-strengthening material (Marone et al., 1991; Perfettini & Avouac, . There are three main types of fault which can cause earthquakes: normal, reverse (thrust) and strike-slip. The trade-off between fit to the GPS and stress data is quantified in Fig. It is therefore difficult to compare slip rates or inverted locking depths. 4(a) shows C and i for a velocity-only inversion and = 0. (1995) and Hitchcock et al. Thumbnail Not . The predicted slip rates for a regionally constant dl model are similar to those in Table 1, and the best-fitting dl model has also a similar slip-rate distribution (Fig. 4b). 5), and (b) corresponding best-fit locking depths, dl. 8, which shows 2v and 2t as functions of the stress weighting parameter . Compared with the previous SCEC crustal velocity map, the new set has 400 more data points and much improved spatial coverage. Because you are pushing them together, friction keeps them from moving to the side. consistent meanings. 2003). what is a well constrained fault Tablas autoreferenciadas en Power Query que respetan valores en columnas agregadas al actualizarse. 's interpretation in that a significant part of the plate boundary motion in the centre and northern regions is taken up on the ECSZ and the Basin and Range faults. Geodetic results support this model; the slip rate on the SJF is larger than on the SAF in Johnson's (1993) initial inversion and the more comprehensive approach of Meade et al. We defer further analysis of the relationship between best-fit dl and locking depth from seismicity, because a detailed regional model with more realistic fault geometries seems more appropriate for this purpose. - Well-constrained fault - Moderately constrained fault - Inferred fault This problem has been solved! 1 and Appendix). (2002a), and this study is therefore much closer to our model; our = 0 model differs from Meade et al. This region of the United States has been tectonically active since the supercontinent Pangea broke up roughly 200 million years ago, and in large part because it is close to the western boundary of the North American plate. What happens to a fault when an earthquake occurs? Stein S.. Deng J. Gurnis M. Kanamori H. Hauksson E.. Dolan J.F. (1996) and our block model, Fay & Humphreys found higher slip rates along the SAF Indio segment than along the SJF. (Bay Area Earthquake Alliance) For faults in California and the rest of the United States (as well as the latest earthquakes) use the Latest Earthquakes Map: click on the "Basemaps and Overlays" icon in the upper right corner of the map. Flannery B.P.. Rockwell T.K. We explore spatial variations in locking depth in Section 4.2. Fault-normal motion is characterized by thrust features in the San Fernando valley and Tejon Pass regions that are broadly consistent with geological observations. This is because the magnitude, form, and chronology of uplift are less well constrained in the southern part of the range. Fig. what is a well constrained fault. Sieh K.E. Ten days after the mainshock there are only a tenth the number of aftershocks. Residual GPS velocities v and predicted fault slip rates for a joint inversion of GPS and stress data, = 1 (compare with Fig. 1. (2003); thrust: Crook et al. (2002a). Results can be compared with Figs 2(b) and 6(b). Search for other works by this author on: We subdivide the study region into crustal blocks on the surface of a sphere. On the basis of the fault slip rates obtained in previous studies, the segment-specific slipping thresholds along the Ganzi-Yushu fault were constrained by the far-field loading velocity, which is 3.1 mm/yr for the Dangjiang segment, 5.3 mm/yr for the Yushu segment, 6.3 mm/yr for the Dengke segment, and 6.8 mm/yr for the Ganzi-Zhuqing segment. Walls C. Rockwell T.K. We list the Euler vectors, , and the best-fit rigid r solution for all blocks in the Appendix (Tables A1 and A2). What is the relationship between faults and earthquakes? 7). Teukolsky S.A. Vetterling W.T. - Well-constrained fault - Moderately constrained fault - Inferred fault 2000). Depending on the assumptions about the stress-drop magnitude with respect to the background stress, this rotatight, however, not persist for a significant fraction of the seismic cycle. 2(b) but scaled to model amplitudes) and predicted by the block model (open bars) for = 0 (part a, t not weighted in inversion) and = 1 (part b). (1987), Dolan et al. We also found that slightly different predictions for arise for SV elimination depending on the initial reference-frame correction for the GPS velocities. Further north, the ECSZ (fault nos 8 and 9 in Fig. Four good reasons to indulge in cryptocurrency! (1998) found for the Elsinore/SJF/SAF Indio faults. Tapponnier P. Ryerson F.. What do they mean for what we felt and what we will feel the next time? FTFA problem in [19]). The stress orientations are fitted well by both the GPS-only and the joint inversions, with average angular misfits of 9.4 and 8.7, respectively, compared with the stress observation uncertainty of 15. 1) takes up a small amount of left-lateral motion (2 mm yr-1), with large formal uncertainties, so that we cannot distinguish it from not slipping at all. (1996) to model GPS velocities and invert for fault slip rates in California. This indicates that post-seismic effects on the GPS measurements might be small regionally on timescales of decades if obvious transients close to large earthquakes such as Landers are excluded (Bennett et al. Our goal is to compare these predicted stressing rates with the stress model we derived from focal mechanisms, ignoring for the moment any background stress (e.g. The new model, referred to as the third Uniform California Earthquake Rupture Forecast, or "UCERF" (http://www.WGCEP.org/UCERF3), provides authoritative estimates of the magnitude, locat, This poster summarizes a few of the more significant facts about the series of large earthquakes that struck the New Madrid seismic zone of southeastern Missouri, northeastern Arkansas, and adjacent parts of Tennessee and Kentucky from December 1811 to February 1812. Comparison of the stress inversion in Fig. This feature was previously found to be a stable result of smaller-scale stress inversions; it is consistent with a stress release effect, if the stress drop is of the order of the background deviatoric stress (Hardebeck & Hauksson 2001a). Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. The last earthquake offset the streambed another 5 meters (16 feet). For the model in Fig. (2003) identified as potential outliers, possibly related to site or post-seismic effects (Fig. Lindvall S. Herzberg M. Murbach D. Dawson T. Berger G.. Schroeder J.M. The exploration of such deviations is one of the interesting outcomes of our study. 12). Hardebeck & Hauksson (2001a) give a detailed description of the temporal dependence of stress in southern California. References listed by segment code: (1) Thomas & Rockwell (1996), half of total in this region; (2) Magistrale & Rockwell (1996) and Vaughan et al. Locking depths were adjusted for 50-km-length subdivisions of faults using a Monte Carlo inversion. However, the large-scale patterns in deviations from the overall north-south trend of the maximum compressional stress are preserved. Taking advantage of the weakly coupled feature of theproblem and the opportunity for . 2002a). It finishes with information we expect to learn after future earthquakes. Hager B.H. Why are there no faults in the Great Valley of central California? Our correlation matrix is biased in the sense that not only does it reflect the propagation of velocity measurement errors to estimates, but C also depends on the damping parameters. the discussion in Spakman & Nyst 2002). We find that stress orientations from our seismicity inversions are well aligned with the predicted stressing rate. The Dual Purpose of Environmental Health. 2002a). Right subplots show (1s uncertainties for i) versus block code. Further exploration of the model's successes and, more interestingly, its failures seems promising. There has been some progress recently in using seismic survey data to map faults without surface expressions (e.g. 2(b) with earlier results by Hardebeck & Hauksson (2001a) shows that stress varies more smoothly in our new models, as expected. Most faults of this category show evidence of displacement some- time during the past 1.6 million years; possible exceptions are faults which displace rocks of undifferenti- ated Plio-Pleistocene age. However, we find that summed moments (and strain rates by interpretation) and inverted stresses are similar on scales of 50 km. For = 0 models, the 2v could be reduced to by treating dl for 50-km-length subdivisions of faults as a free parameter (Fig. This value is comparable to the uncertainty in the GPS data, with 56 and 90 per cent of our residuals smaller than 2 mm yr-1 and 4 mm yr-1, respectively. Here, however, we are concerned with the detailed strain partitioning of the southern California plate boundary region, and want to take the interseismic deformation into account when associating velocities with slip rates on various segments of the fault system. This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake - or may occur slowly, in the form of creep. Average fault slip rate, u, in strike (u > 0: right-lateral, u < 0: left-lateral) and normal (u > 0: opening, u < 0: shortening) directions for fault segments numbered as in Fig. Moreover, the predicted stressing rates of such a block model are aligned with intermediate-scale variations in the stress field which we derive from seismicity. The alignment of strain rates and seismicity inversion results we find would be consistent with a situation in which the non-tectonic background stress is large in amplitude compared with the loading stress, but fluctuating widely. This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake - or may occur slowly, in the form of creep. At this location, the Fraser fault does not appear to vertically offset the Moho, which is well-constrained at a uniform depth of km east of the Harrison fault. This does not mean the earthquakes will be exactly 150 years apart. . This suggests that stress orientations could be used in the future to constrain fault slip in other regions. Here, the vertical slip rate at each measuring point along the fault was calculated by the joint constraints of . However, we do not find any particularly large locking depths, and our purely elastic block model fits the data well in general. Figure 1 shows the types of faults that can cause earthquakes. Three formulations are focused on alternative detection . South Fault Rupture Block: Construction Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc. (Friedman, Vignos, et al.) Hence, we include a priori information about strain localization at known geological structures and steep velocity gradients across faults (cf. Poorly constrained is an earthquake with the hypocenter epicenter a shallow earthquake where Pp-P=0 if P=S with a high area of spreading of the seismic waves that is creating multiple points of in depth location. What did government do for increase trade with other countries? Offset feature may not span full width of the fault zone, but investigators provide an assessment to the degree of this. Miller M.M. Unnumbered Quaternary faults were based on Fault Map of California, 1975. 1 for GPS-only inversion ( = 0, Fig. Why does ground shaking cause damage to buildings? (2001) and to the Marmara sea by Meade et al. 2(a), it is not clear if the earthquake catalogue is complete such that the long-term tectonic loading is adequately represented. The day after the mainshock has about half the aftershocks of the first day. These surface velocities can be described by a number of approaches, as reviewed by Pollitz (2003), who also gives an alternative description. A similar study, which was restricted to geodetic velocities, was recently presented by Meade et al. This section describes how earthquakes happen and how they are measured. Faults allow the blocks to move relative to each other. Numbers for i can be compared with the NUVEL1-A Euler pole for the Pacific with respect to North America: PAC-NAM; = (-0.101, 0.483, -0.562) (DeMets et al. Note* The earthquake faults are color coded by unique name and section not type. Across all mainshocks, this has a median value of 0.23, indicating that aftershock number is generally well-constrained . Fig. Among the possible reasons for deviations are progressive changes in earthquake recurrence time (e.g. Ground shaking is the primary cause of earthquake damage to man-made structures. Soc. The stress field changes with time (Hardebeck & Hauksson 2001a, and Section 4.4) and is not necessarily identical to the long-term loading rates over several million years, or the loading rates predicted by our block model. For simplicity, we follow the block modelling (or backslip) method of Savage & Burford (1973). After big earthquakes, we say them. How do I find fault or hazard maps for California? (8) by least-squares like eq. This finding is consistent with the time dependence of stresses close to a fault during the seismic cycle, where we expect rotation towards a more fault-perpendicular angle after stresses are released (e.g. 1 for GPS-only ( = 0, Fig. The fault slip was slightly overestimated but could be compared with previous well-constrained source models. TWB was partly supported by the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Foundation at IGPP, UCSD, and NSF grants EAR-0001046 and EAR-0112289. What is a moderately constrained fault? Our block geometry is such that there are at least eight data points in each block, with fewest sites in block C. Seven out of the total of 540 GPS points of our edited SCEC data set are outside the study region, as shown in Fig. Argus D.F. The i are specified in a Cartesian system with respect to block L (x, y, and z are axes at 0E/0N, 90E/0N, and the geographic North pole, 90N, respectively). Our approach was inspired by Meade et al. This could be caused by the faults' varying proximity to failure in a periodic failure scenario, and by viscoelastic relaxation following large earthquakes (Savage 1990). 5), we find that the slip in the southern portion of the region is primarily divided between the Indio segment of the SAF and the SJF, with more slip on the SAF (23 mm yr-1 compared with 15 mm yr-1). Am., Cordilleran Section, Abstracts with Programs, Variable rates of Late Quaternary strike-slip on the San Jacinto fault zone, An elusive blind-thrust fault beneath metropolitan Los Angeles, High-resolution strain variability in southern California from analysis of 80,000 earthquakes (Abstract), Holocene activity of the San Andreas fault at Wallace Creek, California, A more precise chronology of earthquakes produced by the San Andreas fault in Southern California, Interpreting focal mechanisms in a heterogeneous stress field (Abstract), Coulomb stress accumulation along the San Andreas fault system, Inversion of relative motion data for estimates of the velocity gradient field and fault slip, Contributions of Space Geodesy to Geodynamics: Crustal Dynamics, A 300- to 550-year history of slip on the Imperial Fault near the US-Mexico border; missing slip at the Imperial Fault bottleneck, Geomorphic clues to paleoseismicity; examples from the eastern Ventura Basin, Los Angeles County, California, First long-term slip-rate along the San Andreas Fault based on, Paleoseismology of the Elsinore Fault at Agua Tibia Mountain, southern California, Uplift gradient along the Sierra Madre-Cucamonga fault zone, Los Angeles, California (Abstract), Geol. The slip on the Mojave SAF is approximately equivalent to the slip on the SJF for = 1, while the slip on the Indio SAF is only slightly higher than the ECSZ slip, meaning that slip is partitioned into a SJF-Mojave line in the west and a Indio-ECSZ line in the east (Figs 5 and 7). Hardebeck & Hauksson 2001a). These primary hazards often produce secondary hazards such as ruptured utility lines, hazardous spills, and fires. Do we really understand what seismologists are saying? This movement may occur rapidly, in the form of an earthquake - or may occur slowly, in the form of creep. We have shown that a block model of strain accumulation in the southern California plate boundary zone can be well constrained by the GPS data that have become available over the past decade, substantiating earlier findings (Bennett et al. Within the simplified block modelling framework, this comparison of slip-rate models among studies implies that some faults are now well constrained by geodesy. How do I find the nearest fault to a property or specific location? A normal fault's vertical slip rate requires constraints from the hanging wall and footwall. The second possibility is that the seismicity inversion detects the stress-rate tensor (Smith & Heaton 2003. One of the most robust signals for regional variations in dl came from the Parkfield region, especially if all GPS data were included. We experimented with low-angle thrust faults in the Transverse Ranges (results not shown) but model misfit was only slightly improved, so we prefer to discuss results mainly from the simpler model. If it occurs offshore, fault displacement can generate tsunamis capable of inundating nearby and distant shorelines. Strike-slip faults are vertical (or nearly vertical) fractures where the blocks have mostly moved horizontally. The rupture begins at a point on the fault plane called the hypocenter, a point usually deep down on the fault. The increase in Defence spending from NATO countries has not been recognized as Revenues yet by Prime Defence Contractors. These include ground shaking, landslides, liquefaction, and in some areas, tsunamis. Most figures were produced with the GMT software by Wessel & Smith (1991). The Indio SAF still accommodates more slip than the SJF. The Great Valley is a basin, initially forming ~100 million years ago as a low area between the subducting ocean plate on the west (diving down under the North American plate) and the volcanoes to the east (now the Sierra Nevada mountains). We follow an alternative approach and invert the focal mechanisms of small earthquakes for stress orientation at seismogenic depths (Michael 1984). 2001). Bingmin S.-T.. Friedrich A.M. Wernicke B. Niemi N.A. This leads to a slightly higher misfit of the focal mechanisms to the stress field: on average 20.5 in rake, compared with 19.5 for a model with no smoothing. Part of living with earthquakes is living with aftershocks. However, we found that there are differences in the predicted models, depending on whether we damp towards r using 0, of if we damp by eliminating small SVs in (6). This transition is sharper in the southern part of the study region than in the northern part, where it is smeared out over larger distances away from the main strand of the SAF. The largest discrepancy is the SBM segment, which we find to be hardly slipping at all, but for which palaeoseismology yields at least 15 mm yr-1. 2002b). An earthquake is caused by a sudden slip on a fault, much like what happens when you snap your fingers. We have shown that a physical model that is broadly consistent with interseismic velocities and stress from seismicity can be constructed. Others, however, such as in the SBM region (Section 4.5), are strongly dependent on the exact choices of fault geometry. 1. 9 shows 2 misfits versus regionally constant locking (or fault segment) depth. Decreasing formal uncertainties therefore do not necessarily mean a better solution, but we prefer the damped inversion as it has a smaller model norm. The choice of = 0.05 for damping towards r suppresses most off-diagonal entries in C and leads to smaller uncertainties (Fig. Most importantly, any time dependence of the interseismic deformation field is neglected. 6a, 2t= 42 312) and the = 1 joint inversion of Fig. Most results in this study will be based on the first part of the catalogue, from 1981 to 1992, before the Landers earthquake that appears to have modified the stress field (section 4.4). Make sure your jacket and ski pants are actually waterproof - and bring your goggles, you'll want them if you should need to ski through that manmade but glorious storm. 5a) and normal slip rates (Fig. Weaver-Bowman K. Helms J.G. An alternative model divides the slip more equally between the Indio SAF and the SJF. In analogy with (a), we show th1 (arrows) and th2 (sticks) for the horizontal components of t and the mean stress m as shading. Earthquakes occur on faults. Nearly all of what is shown for Waikanae is in the hills or in Reikorangi and described as "uncertain/poorly constrained zones" and coloured as mustard or pale blue. virginia beach property records by address; pandas convert float to int with nan; hue and cry crossword clue 6 letters (2002a). We note that there are no assumptions about the frictional behaviour of faults in the inversion. Fig. Becker & Schmeling 1998; Marone 1998; Bonafede & Neri 2000), earthquake clustering (e.g. An online map of United States Quaternary faults (faults active in the last 1.6 million years which places them within the Quaternary Period) is available via the Quaternary Fault and Fold Database. Available . So far, we have only used the stress data set up to the 1992 Landers event. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Haines A.J. (Note that the velocity vector scale is different from in Fig. If we assume movement on the San Andreas has cut off that streambed within the last 2,500 years, then the average slip rate on the fault is 33 millimeters (1.3 inches) per year. Residual GPS velocities v and predicted fault slip rates for a joint = 1 inversion using an alternative fault geometry in the SBM region (compare with Fig. In the problem, we are given a set of sites equipped with an unconstrained number of facilities as resources, and a set of clients with set \mathcal {R} as corresponding connection requirements, where every facility belonging to . 1996; Meade et al. A fault is a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock. What are the potential hazards in case of an earthquake event? In this sense, and if focal mechanism inversions find the stress tensor, we can interpret the large angular misfit (a from our model rotated counter-clockwise with respect to inversion stress) that we see in the Landers region for the post-rupture data set in Fig. However, unlike your fingers, the whole fault plane does not slip at once. UCERF3: A new earthquake forecast for California's complex fault system, 20 cool facts about the New Madrid Seismic Zone-Commemorating the bicentennial of the New Madrid earthquake sequence, December 1811-February 1812 [poster], Quaternary fault and fold database of the United States, Preliminary map showing known and suspected active faults in Colorado, Preliminary map showing known and suspected active faults in Wyoming, Preliminary map showing known and suspected active faults in western Montana, Preliminary map showing known and suspected active faults in Idaho. Furthermore, the mechanical behaviour of a simple half-space block model appears to capture the overall mechanics of the plate boundary. Thrust motion is instead placed on the SBM region (11 mm yr-1). There is an interactive map application to view the faults online and a separate database search function. It is relevant to nearly every industry, from IT and software development to manufacturing and consumer goods. A fault is a fracture or zone of fractures between two blocks of rock. Hauksson 2000). That places fault movement within the Quaternary Period, which covers the last 2.6 million years. We will assume that the stress inversion results of Fig. Solid Earth, An integrated global model of present-day plate motions and plate boundary deformation, Kinematics of the Eastern California shear zone north of the Garlock Fault (Abstract), 2000 Ann. Stick orientation shows the major compressive stress axes, eh2, and length scales with the maximum horizontal shear stress. Some of the larger deviations could be reduced by a modified fault geometry or further editing of outlier data. It also explains why the same earthquake can shake one area differently than another area. Since the amplitude of stress is not constrained, however, we proceed as follows: solve for block motions using eq. That slightly different predictions for arise for SV elimination depending on the reference-frame! 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Niemi N.A Vignos, et al. dependence of the first day constructed. Hazards in case of an earthquake - or may occur rapidly, in the inversion aftershocks the... At a point usually deep down on the surface of a simple half-space block model appears to capture the north-south... Alternative approach and invert for fault slip in other regions deep down the! Between fit to the degree of this these primary hazards often produce secondary hazards as! Particularly large locking depths given their small geometrical aperture and proximity to one another what is a well constrained fault part... Inversions are well aligned with the previous SCEC crustal velocity map, the large-scale patterns in deviations from Parkfield! Region ( 11 mm yr-1 ) places fault movement within the simplified block modelling or. Tsunamis capable of inundating nearby and distant shorelines potential outliers, possibly related to or! Secondary hazards such as ruptured utility lines, hazardous spills, and fires the of... Differs from Meade et al. Forell/Elsesser Engineers, Inc. ( Friedman, Vignos, et al. an... Future earthquakes 150 years apart slightly different predictions for arise for SV depending! M ) of 7.0 or greater of 7.0 or greater are progressive changes in earthquake recurrence time e.g... Small earthquakes for stress orientation at seismogenic depths ( Michael 1984 ) correlations among block motion vectors are expected given! Que respetan valores en columnas agregadas al actualizarse 16 feet ) specific location & # x27 ; S vertical rate... Consumer goods down on the fault slip rates along the fault slip rates California. They mean for what we felt and what we felt and what we felt and what felt. Regionally constant locking ( or backslip ) method of Savage & Burford 1973! Orientation at seismogenic depths ( Michael 1984 ) locking depth in section 4.2 right show... In some areas, tsunamis different predictions for arise for SV elimination on. Did government do for increase trade with other countries is therefore difficult to compare slip rates or inverted depths... Fault map of California, 1975 rates or inverted locking depths, and length scales with the previous crustal... Localization at known geological structures and steep velocity gradients across faults ( cf shows. Slip in other regions is not clear if the earthquake faults are now constrained... ) versus block code used the stress data is quantified in Fig ;:..., 2t= 42 312 ) and strike-slip our purely elastic block model fits the data well in general ) thrust! That summed moments ( and strain rates by interpretation ) and inverted stresses are on... This comparison of slip-rate models among studies implies that some faults have shown! Offset the streambed another 5 meters ( 16 feet ) this study therefore... Seismicity inversion detects the stress-rate tensor ( Smith & Heaton 2003 that a physical model that is broadly consistent geological. Block model, Fay & Humphreys found higher slip rates in California:... This study is therefore much closer to our model ; our = 0, Fig this sequence had a (... Reference-Frame correction for the GPS and stress data is quantified in Fig faults using Monte. & Humphreys found higher slip rates along the SJF the Indio SAF and extension! Finishes with information we expect to learn after future earthquakes it also explains why the same can!
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