Count II of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. On September 10, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Roofian violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a) and NRS 630.306(1)(b)(2), as set forth in Counts II and III of the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $10,000.00; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners found that B. J. Counts II and IV of the Complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice. On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Torres violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $2,500.00; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. On August 26, 2020, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an to be entered finding Mr. Anderson violated NAC 630.380(1)(f) and NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that his license to practice medicine be revoked, with said revocation to be immediately stayed, and Mr. Andersons license placed on probation for a period of time not less than 12 months, but up to 24 months, pending the completion of the following probationary terms: Mr. Anderson shall complete ten (10) hours of continuing medical education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; pay total fines in the amount of $4,000; and pay the costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; submit On June 8, 2007, a Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement and Terms of Probation was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners, whereby Mr. Dunetz agreed that an order may be entered herein by the Board against him: a) finding a violation of NRS 630.306(1): inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety due to a positive cocaine test during a work day; b) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a January 29, 2003 investigation for a DUI on his April 30, 2003 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; c) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report an April 17, 2004 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; d) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a June 7, 2004 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, 2005 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; e) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a February 15, 2005 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, 2005 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; f) finding a violation of NRS 630.304(1): renewing a license by misrepresentation by failing to report a March 2, 2005 investigation for a domestic violence incident on his March 22, 2005 Board of Medical Examiners physician assistant renewal application; g) finding a violation of NRS 630.301(5): entering into a sexual relationship with Patient A while treating her and prescribing medications for her in violation of NRS 630.301(5); h) ordering that Mr. Dunetz's license to practice medicine as a physician assistant be revoked and that the revocation be stayed pending compliance with and completion of the terms and conditions of probation and that he be placed on probation for three years in accord with the terms and conditions listed as follows: 1. The Board accepted the petition and it was ordered that the 500 hours of community service be substituted for 20 hours of CME per year for 5 years of probation. Charged with a violation of NRS 630.301(3), based on the suspension of his California medical license. The Board ordered that his license to practice respiratory care in the state of Nevada be revoked and that he pay $1,696.69 for administrative fees due within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the order. A Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement was approved and accepted by the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners whereby an order was entered finding Dr. Okoh violated NRS 630.301(3), and ordering that he receive a public reprimand, pay a fine of $2,000, and reimburse the Board the costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case. The Board found Dr. Manzur guilty of the two counts of the Complaint filed against him, revoked his license to practice medicine in Nevada, and ordered that he pay all administrative fees and costs incurred in the case against him. The Board Ordered that Dr. Hamwi's license to practice medicine is hereby suspended until further Order of the Board; Dr. Hamwi shall reimburse the Board all costs and fees incurred in the amount of $4,757.56, and he shall pay a fine in the amount of $2,000.00 within one year from the date of service of the Order. Costs. Log in to your dashboard. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Xeller engaged in conduct that is grounds for discipline pursuant to the Nevada Medical Practice Act, to wit: one violation of Nevada Revised Statute 630.301(3), for disciplinary action taken against his medical license in Michigan, Indiana and California, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case. Filing a Counts I and II of the First Amended Complaint were dismissed with prejudice. The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with Dr. Miller and it was ordered that he receive a public written reprimand; take an additional 40 hours of CME in the area of conscious and deep conscious sedation; that he pay administrative expenses; that his license be revoked; the revocation was stayed and Dr. Miller was placed on probation for 3 years. PO Box 10200 (Brian John) Fulton, M.D. On December 3, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Siems violated NRS 630.301(4) and NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in Counts I and II of the First Amended Complaint, and ordering that his license to practice medicine in Nevada be suspended, with the suspension immediately stayed, and his license placed on probation for a period of 60 months from the date of the Boards acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement, subject to various terms and conditions, including the following: he shall receive a public reprimand; pay a fine in the amount of $5,000.00; complete 20 hours of Continuing Medical Education (CME), in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him; and complete the University of California, San Diego, Physician Assessment and Competency Evaluation (PACE) Program Competency Assessment, and, if recommended by PACE, the Fitness for Duty (FFD) Evaluation, pass all of the above to the satisfaction of the Board; and follow all recommendations presented in the report(s), at his cost. If he returns to Nevada to practice medicine during the remainder of his probationary period in Utah , additional conditions, as enumerated in the Settlement Agreement, shall be imposed upon him until expiration of that probationary period. Upon The Investigative Committee (IC) of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners summarily suspended the license of David Lynn Packer, M.D., pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute 630.326(1), based upon his failure to appear at an IC-ordered evaluation. 06-9589-1 may be reopened at the discretion of the Board's Investigative Committee. NRS 630.301(4) (9 counts), as set forth in the First Amended Complaint, The Board Ordered that Dr. Meisenheimer be suspended from practice for 30 days, April 6, 1996 through May 6, 1996, pay a $2,000 fine, pay $2,000 to cover administrative costs, and complete 40 hours of community service without compensation. 8:18-cr-00014-JLS and the rules and regulations of the U.S. $3,000.00; she enter, within 30 days, a five-year contract with Professional On November 30, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Mr. Luckette violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordering that he complete 22 hours of CME and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. He was placed on probation for five years. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Unger violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in the First Amended Complaint, and ordering that Dr. Unger receive a public reprimand, pay a fine of $3,000, complete 6 hours of continuing medical education (CME) on the subject of risk management, medical error prevention, as chosen from a list of pre-approved and agreed upon CME courses, within 1 year of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement, in addition to any CME required as a condition of licensure, and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, the fine and costs payable within 30 days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement by the Board. The remaining counts of the Complaint were dismissed. The Board ordered that Dr. Roller be released from probationary status and all restrictions lifted with the exception of the provision prohibiting him from performing any autopsies without permission of the Board. Boards fees and costs incurred Dr. Stahl shall receive a public reprimand; complete, in person, ten (10) hours of continuing medical education (CME) on the topic of pacemaker placement; and shall reimburse the Board the costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of this case. counts), NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), NRS 630.306(1)(b)(2) (3 counts) and NRS On June 4, 2021, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed an order to be entered finding Dr. Kamboj violated NRS 630.3062(1)(a), as set forth in the Complaint, and ordered that he receive a public reprimand; pay a fine of $500.00; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. , and ordering that she On April 13, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Perez-Cardona violated NRS 630.306(1)(r) (2 counts), as set forth in the First Amended Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $1,000.00 fine; complete 6 hours of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with. (7 counts), as alleged in the underlying Complaint. The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with Dr. Rueca and it was ordered that his Nevada medical license be suspended, the suspension stayed and he is placed on probation for 3 years, receive a public reprimand, pay the Board all administrative expenses incurred, his authority to prescribe scheduled II, III, and IV controlled substances is suspended for 1 year, shall attend an additional 60 hours of category I AMA approved CMEs in the area of pain management and 20 hours in the area of prescribing narcotics, and he shall keep a monthly log of all his prescribing. Count II of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. The Board filed an Amended Order allowing Mr. Sayler to make payments to the Board as ordered in the September 29, 1998 Order. Count I of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. Count II of the First Amended Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. 04-2013-234629, OAH No. which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Smith violated. Nevada Veterinary Clinic is rated with a B rating from Business Consumer Alliance as of 1/16/2023. Further, Dr. Zority shall reimburse the Board the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case within one hundred twenty (120) days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement by the Board. General's office in cases involving fraudulent advertising, but they would not The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted a Stipulation for Settlement of its complaint against Dr. Defonseka whereby Dr. Defonseka was ordered to pay $5,000 as disgorgement of payments which may have been received as a result of false advertisement. The Board ordered that his license to practice medicine in Nevada be revoked. Count II of the Complaint in Case No. The Committee believes that due to Dr. Yee's prescribing controlled substances without the proper DEA registration privileges and his current probationary status with the Board, the health, safety and welfare of the public is at imminent risk of harm and that summary suspension of Dr. Yee's license to practice medicine is necessary to remove said risk of imminent harm to the health, safety and welfare of the public. The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Sanders engaged in conduct that is grounds for discipline pursuant to the Nevada Medical Practice Act, to wit: one count of administering, dispensing or prescribing any controlled substance, or any dangerous drug as defined in Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS) Chapter 454, to or for himself, except as authorized by law, a violation of NRS 630.306(3), as set forth in the formal Complaint, and ordered that his license be suspended for 60 months, with said suspension stayed and Dr. Sanders being placed on probation for 60 months, subject to various terms and conditions, beginning February 18, 2013; that he receive a public reprimand; that he pay a fine of $1,000.00; that he complete 40 hours continuing medical education related to signs and symptoms of addiction and/or pain management; that he perform 40 hours of community service; and that he reimburse the Board the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case. The Board ordered that Dr. Lorant's license to practice medicine in Nevada be revoked. Counts II and III of the Complaint were dismissed with prejudice. The Board ordered that Dr. Ansar receive a public reprimand, that he pay a fine of $500 and reimburse the Board's costs and expenses incurred nit he investigation and prosecution of the case against him within 60 days of the Board's acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement. On December 2, On December 2, 2022, the Nevada State Count IV of the Complaint was dismissed. Kensington Veterinary Clinic Dr. Roller is permitted to admit patients to a hospital for nonsurgical care and may practice medicine in a hospital setting including emergency room practice, may act as assistant to any surgeon in general surgery and OB/GYN procedures, and he may apply to reinstate as a Medicare provider. moved for leave to file a motion for reconsideration of the Order Granting On March 9, 2012, The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners approved, accepted and adopted a Settlement, Waiver and Consent Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Nathu violated NRS 630.3062(1), as set forth in Count II of the Complaint, and ordering that Dr. Nathu pay a fine of $2,500; complete fifteen (15) hours continuing medical education regarding medical records and billing; and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case. Box 633 Count II of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. in the area of pets as sentient beings, or having intrinsic value, or Additionally, Dr. Virden shall not inject On December 1, 2017, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Braunstein violated NRS 630.306(1)(r), NRS 630.3062(1) and NRS 630.306(1)(b)(3), as set forth in Counts I, III and IV of the Complaint, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $500.00 fine; complete 3 hours of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. you. The most effective way to file a complaint is through the Board's BreEZe online complaint system, completely answering each question and including a chronological summary of your complaint. On March 6, 2015, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Estela violated Nevada Revised Statute 630.301(4), as set forth in Count II of the Complaint against him, and ordering that he receive a public reprimand and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him, payable within 60 days of the Boards acceptance, adoption and approval of the Agreement. The Investigative Committee of the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners summarily suspended Mr. Roberts' license to practice respiratory care in the state of Nevada, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute Section 630.326(1). Count I of the Complaint was dismissed. Dr. Thielman shall reimburse the Board for expenses incurred during the investigation and prosecution of this case, in the amount of $1529.00. and prosecution of the case against him; and attend the University of Complaint Forms. On June 10, 2022, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding that Dr. Zafar violated NRS 630.301(4), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordering the following: that he receive a public reprimand; that he pay a fine in the amount of $1,500.00; and that he reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. On June 9, 1988, The Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners found Dr. Kaufman guilty of a violation of NRS 630.306(2)(a), engaging in conduct which is intended to deceive, and ordered that he be issued a public reprimand. Ticker Tape by TradingView. On April 13, 2018, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Gurland violated NRS 630.301(3), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint, and ordered that he receive a public reprimand; pay a $500.00 fine; complete 1 hour of CME, in addition to his statutory CME requirements for licensure; and reimburse the Boards fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against him. 0 complaints for Nevada Veterinary Clinic. Count II of the Complaint was dismissed with prejudice. Mr. Sullivan also agrees to reimburse the Board the reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the acceptance, adoption and approval of the Settlement Agreement by the Board and Mr. Sullivan may enter into a payment plan to pay said costs if necessary. As a result, the Board entered its order as follows: Dr. Marks' license to practice medicine shall be revoked, the revocation stayed; and Dr. Marks shall be placed on probation for 60 months with the following conditions: Dr. Marks shall be issued a public reprimand; pay a fine of $1000 within 180 days; complete a CME course on the topic of medical ethics within 12 months; within 30 days contact the Compliance Officer to provide his contact information; submit to a drug and alcohol evaluation at his expense and comply with the recommendations of the evaluation; Dr. Marks shall, if deemed appropriate by the Nevada Professionals Health Program (NPHP), sign a contract with and participate in the NPHP and remain in compliance with the contract; Dr. Marks will reimburse the Board the incurred costs and expenses in the amount of $2,726.64 within 90 days; pay the reasonable costs, of monitoring his probation; and comply with all federal, state and local laws and rules governing the practice of medicine while practicing within the State of Nevada. Mr. Spencer surrendered his license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada while under investigation. The Board ordered that Dr. Cesaretti receive a public reprimand, pay a fine of $5,000 per violation, for a total of $10,000, complete 12 hours of in-person continuing medical education (CME) regarding medical ethics and ethics, and reimburse the Board its reasonable costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case, the fine and costs payable within 120 days the filing of the Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law and Order. Austin, Texas 78701 The Board ordered to summarily suspend Dr. Kelly's license to practice medicine in the state of Nevada pending proceedings on the Complaint. Consumer Information. Count II of the Complaint shall be dismissed with prejudice. Facility Application Portal. Count II of the Complaint was dismissed. On September 6, 2019, the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners accepted and approved a Settlement Agreement which allowed for an order to be entered finding Dr. Patel violated NRS 630.306(1)(c), as set forth in Count I of the Complaint in Case No. worthwhile, not from a monetary standpoint, but to expose the vet and what Ms. Benes shall be publicly reprimanded; she shall complete 6 credits of Continuing Medical Education (CME) regarding her focus of practice, within 1 year and in addition to CME required as a condition of licensure; and she shall reimburse the Board for costs and expenses incurred in the investigation and prosecution of this case within 180 days. The Board ordered that Ms. Iveys license to practice as a respiratory therapist in Nevada be revoked, and she may not apply for reinstatement of a license for a period of two years; that she receive a public reprimand; and that she reimburse the Board's fees and costs incurred in the investigation and prosecution of the case against her, pursuant to the Memorandum of Costs, with the order for reimbursement of costs stayed until such time as she reapplies for licensure. The Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with counts II and III of the Complaint dismissed!, as alleged in the September 29, 1998 Order of $ 1529.00, 2022 the... The suspension of his California Medical license Examiners found that B. J and prosecution of the 's! ; and attend the University of Complaint Forms entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with a I... Order allowing Mr. Sayler to make payments to the Board entered into a Stipulation for Settlement with in... 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