If he was a registered health professional and he touched somebody's pubic area and called it a healing for rape recovery, he would be deregistered.. Theyre ready to have a child but the vaginal walls as thick as, and theyre not a woman energetically, even though they have breasts, vagina, uterus and so forth.. unbelievable that UM can feel so entitled.. my friends believe serge is the real thing. Serge Benhayon is Australias most powerful cult leader. Matt endured several more workshops in the hope of saving his relationship. It is all so convoluted and hard to get, crooks oops I mean people do this when they are out to hide and deceive. Serge Benhayon, will inherit the majority of a million-dollar estate following the death of one of his students despite her childrens protests. APN, http://www.echo.net.au/2016/01/universal-medicine-founder-bequeathed-1-million-despite-will-challenge/. What an absolute charmer Serge is. Todays news reports the devastation of a family robbed of their rightful inheritance by a multi-millionaire predatory charlatan. EVIL EVIL CHARLATAN++. UM wont shut the charity down until they wipe me off the internet and get injunctions to stop me from blogging about them. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. He practices extensively on the East Coast of Australia from his clinic in Goonellabah and travels overseas twice a year to his European based clinic The Sound Training Centre (next to The Lighthouse) In Somerset UK. Thats coercion. If they did a property title search theyd come up with over a dozen properties owned by the Benhayons. So the question is, if the charity is squeaky clean, why give it directly to Serge? Cmon! Shameful, Quote: Universal Medicines programs are clearly promoted as healing and health-related. It appears to me that perhaps Ms McIntyres children were poorly advised to seek a variance on the grounds that they needed more money rather than argue that their dear Mum had been hoodwinked by Benhayon. he took plus interest to this ladies children. Sergio was squirming on the stand at pains to differentiate the charity from the business, and point out he has no relationship to the charity (on paper). Esoteric Women's Health This vigour for living a true life as well as an obvious love for supporting people serves as a constant source of inspiration, not only reserved for those closest to him but further extending to all who meet him. I had to ask permission., I was so stupid, so nave. The court also heardthat during the late stages of her lifeJudith was surrounded by UMers, particularly members of itsupper rung of investors. Thank you. Englishman Robin Clifford and his daughter Kasha are all too familiar with Universal Medicine. For the rest of the year, the facility is hardly used. Sarah told the court she had agreed not to challenge her mothers will before her death because she didnt want to upset her or to argue with her. My deepest condolences to the family. He is warm, deeply engaging and interested in everyone he meets; he is a great friend and a great We know it is just pure luck and a sharp reminder that things are never as fair as they ought to be. (The Book of Proverbs was written centuries before Jesus was born). Benhayons court testimony indicates fundraising hasswitched back to the proprietors personal fundraising. words, this is absolutely gorgeous. Well spotted. 8.12.2 Not encouraging patients to give, lend or bequeath money or gifts that will benefit you directly or indirectly. EDG notes taken by Elizabeth Dolan, February 18, 2012, p.5. Your email address will not be published. Universal Medicine now also operates in England. And if they dont, serve as a mechanism for redress. Good medical practice involves: 8.12.1 Not exploiting patients vulnerability or lack of medical knowledge when providing or recommending treatment or services. Fire& prana correspond with good and evil in Benhayons worldview. If you ever snap out of your brainwashed state I fear for you as you drown in remorse and guilt for your actions in devoting your life to this conman The author of 11 substantial works on Esoteric Philosophy for the first time In Conversation with Serge Benhayon makes available Benhayons in-depth McIntyre is to recognize Benhayon in 2011, when she was just diagnosed with breast cancer, and she soon became an avid donor. He doesn't say it in those words, but he pretty much put it to his followers a few years ago that he is the second coming.. Okay. One devotee is heard in a video: It can be shared that spirits have a mid-grey coloured body, long thin fingers. But the members will think he is justified. If he was poor and needed some money then yeh sure a couple of thousand but to take this amount of money is just wrong. As last years birthday approached, something shifted in me. Serge really is a teflon man. Serge Benhayon preaches a wild mishmash of religion, occult and science fiction. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. You can't restrict childrens diets like that. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. He then really focused his attention on her and said, Oh, you need deep nurturing.. If you believed in decency and respect you would never take anyone elses inheritance. This morning I happened to see a young lass at Ballina sitting rigidly in a park, with a scarf and earphones. If it all goes belly up tomorrow, Serge will have those bequeaths coming in for years. I could sense these feelings coming up again, observing them as they did, and recognising what they were: they were expectations I had placed on how I wanted my birthday to look. http://WWW.SMH.COM.AU. On the exposed blog a palliative care nurse has expressed her anger at the case. 131,-K/kg. Why are so many devoted to him? I hate to say it, but it was a terrible missed opportunity. We charge or are paid for our services by the hour. Not so for Sergio. Disgusting all around. WebSerge Benhayon is the founder of Universal Medicine and a well known presenter and practitioner of Esoteric Medicine. But it is a lesson of law. It is not for him. For the rest of the year, the facility is hardly used. The executor of her will was director of several UM companies, lawyer, Serryn ORegan. What he promised the dying lady was a SHAM. Especially if they are already loaded? Web2 quotes from Serge Benhayon: 'If everything is energy, which it is - then everything is because of energy.' I would fill it with doubt and regret, putting myself down to the point where I would approach my birthday with dread as I knew it would be another year of failed dreams, where how I wanted the day to play out never matched how it would actually unfold. Lets hope it makes it to print. I will post an explanation of how that will work and what that means. Thats because to the true believers most of them women - Benhayon is The One. "He pretty much portrays himself as a messiah, Esther explains to Sunday Nights Matt Doran. WebSerge Benhayon confirms revenue from Universal Medicine provides a living for the whole of the extended Benhayon family. This involves: 3.2.6 Recognising that there is a power imbalance in the doctorpatient relationship, and not exploiting patients physically, emotionally, sexually or financially. The $800K gift from Ms McIntyre to Benhayon was used to renovate the Wollongbar College of Universal Medicine charity premises, which Benhayon owns outright, purchased for $2.3M. Serge Benhayon, founder of the esoteric healing group Universal Medicine, will inherit the bulk of the million-dollar estate of a female devotee after her two adult Her fears were justified Judith eventually gave Universal Medicine $1.4 million. Trying to compensate for own guilt through the use of innocent energy. http://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/nsw/universal-medicines-serge-benhayon-to-inherit-bulk-of-devotees-milliondollar-estate-20151227-glvl7u.html, Yep Northern star can write an article on this as news! The fact is, Serge does seem to get away with things that is staggering. The esoteric breast massage website had a lot of healing claims that it could assist serious gynaecological disorders, Esther explains. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. His congregation believes every word. Judith McIntyre died in June 2014 at 66 from breast cancer , Adherents claim that esoteric breast massage administered, the group says, by women can heal a range of maladies, including breast cancer.. Courts dont tolerate spherical answers to direct questions so this was very useful to observe. http://www.northernstar.com.au/news/universal-medicine-leader-wins-court-case-over-wil/2889329/. At the time I knew what was happening was indecent and intrusive but felt powerless to speak out about what was going on. Why is there so much charm? This is just a little of it please click on the link and read it ALL. Im sorry to say that the familys legal team opted to spend less time in court and simply did not bring the evidence and did not cross examine Sergio the parasite anywhere near enough for the judge to be able to make a determination on his Esoteric integrity. What happened Wiki, net worth. A reminder to readers as to why they did nothing. She glanced my way, perhaps wondering if I was the evil villain the cult loves to hate, then went back to her 1000 yard stare. Remarkably, Serge Benhayon professes an intimate knowledge of alien physiology. He doesnot see his work as roles or titles that he must play or be identified by; in fact, it is the opposite, for him, as. ArchivedEsoteric Breast Massage site erased in 2012, We know breast cancer is out of control and energetically from an esoteric point of view this is caused by the lack of nurturing a woman has toward herself. Is Ms Mcintyre a client, patient or a student of UM? Rather than save up our celebration for one day, what if every day was a celebration of us, our connection to the true nature of what we are and the lived outward expression of this? Meeting Serge Benhayon inspired me to explore the philosophy of The Way of The Livingness. Why the obsession with this? Last year as it was fast approaching the end of the year, most were starting the wind down to the Christmas and New Year period: the beginning of December, where Christmas carols are played and decorations put up on display to celebrate the upcoming festive season. I think he creates doubt. And please everyone, read the whole blog I just wrote and think about what that means. However, we know the premises is used for UM Pty Ltd commercial purposes. Serge Benhayons cult already boasts at least 200 members in the UK. Clearly he wasnt countingdonations toUMs UK charity front, the, from charity trustee, Michael Nicholson alone, in 2011-12. Yet you damn the innocent CoUM is NOT involved in religious activities. Maybe UM thought it convincing this woman should best be sent off to Arctucus or wherever! Founder of Universal Medicine since 1999, Serge Benhayon is a renowned presenter, practitioner, principal trainer and founder of a series of therapies complementary to medicine, as well as the author of 9 books to date. Never has so much been Its a terrible time of year to have a birthday, a family member said one day whilst on the subject of going through the timing of birthdays and where everyone in the family fitted in. Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald 28 December, 2015. The proximity to the clinic maximises targets expenditure on worthless healings and other New Age claptrap peddled by the Benhayon bogan demigods. Property searches by the ABC show Mr Benhayon and his family have bought or sold 23 properties worth $11.4 million since he founded Universal Medicine, many of them owned jointly with followers. UM boasts 700 followers, including doctors, academics and lawyers. This article contains external content that failed to load. The original investigator was alarmed at what he saw and was eager to interview Serge (who had just quit as the Chairman in haste post a news story about the charity) but was stopped by the commissioner and his bosses. It had to be a certain way. Lets hope there is true karma. Probably very little as theyll be hoping for campaign contributions. Her financial adviser was UM frequent flyer and promoter, Christophe Schnelle, and her palliative care nurse was Esoteric Breast Masseuse and UM promoter, Elizabeth Dolan. They cant. Well, this is exactly the sort of person Benhayon it? First they tried to have me deregistered, Ester recalls. Its *our job* to help sick people. Oddly for a former tennis coach, Serge Benhayon even insists that women shouldnt play sport. Vulture like undue influence, using delusional fear based teachings to financially & spiritually exploit a dying, vulnerable, probably frightened patient. I mean, what kind of a mind comes up with something like that?. Who is Cuba Gooding Jr. ex-wife. For when you stop and reflect you cant help but reveal a trove of amazing ness greater than any treasure you could find. BUT NOT on very important community matter that has made State, National and International news. A health practitioner must not conductany close personal relationship with their client which of course youd need to have to end up with $800K from someone you are treating just before they passed away, and then the bulk of their estate once they did. This was exemplified, for instance, by having a boyfriend, earning some money, getting good school and college results and carving out a life where I was comfortable. I recognised her as a member. Pathetic and morally wrong. How does one separate the bit of wall and paint that the charity paid for from Serges property and freehold? UniMed needs anonomous (sic) gifts of investment for this new property to get up and running. It's completely ridiculous.. They even whipped together a quick video testimony so the poor love bombed woman would say how it was all her idea. If its popular enough it might go to print? For the tiny outlay of a few free undue influencesessions, the unqualified shyster received a heftyreturn. People like you Serge Quite possibly as there is no particular reason to run it now, and it is being watched. Teachings that include disability is karma for being an abuser in a past life; that emotions are the cause of all disease; and that womens cancers are caused by male energy and participating in sport and vigorous exercise. I abused myself through food, sex, and had completely dysfunctional relationships with those around me and with myself. Benhayons reach extends far beyond Australias shores. The ACNC also did nothing. He insists the charity is a separate entity to his commercial business Universal Medicine Pty Ltd. Student notes from a few years ago show Benhayon soliciting anonymous gifts of investment to build and renovate the property into conference, office and clinic facilities, as well as a hospice, aged care facility and retreat for cancer patients. Disgusting. We are simply not entitled to more than that but our industry is filling with mercenary bastards, like BenhayonCorp preying on the vulnerable, and that should be prohibited by law. So did Ms McIntyre give this money to Serge personally or to the COUM? Im also a career health practitioner. Could it be that because of all of the above, that this is why the SLAPP was served? What kind of evil creep videos a patients last moments? In answer to how the court came to the judgement they did? July 13, 2016. Finally.. Serge Benhayon Makes it easier to send off when the healing proves a sham. It demands that followers go to bed by 9pm and get up at 3am. My Birthday: Celebrating ME Instead of Getting Wasted. Continue reading The Grace of TrueHealing , Since lockdown I have grown to love my daily walks, walks that sometimes are just around my neighbourhood. Going shopping has become an outing rather than a chore and we got rid of our car, saving quite a bit of money per month because we didnt go anywhere, or more truthfully didnt have anywhere to go! Doctors must be honest and transparent in financial arrangements with patients. The Universal Medicine website is not subject to fact checking, oversight by the Australian Press Council, or any of the other checks and balances that newspapers are subject to which ensures, on the whole, they get the facts right. Outright greed. By Chris Vale, Chris Vale, Mechanical fitter, Father, Dog Owner and Observer of Life,Perth, Western Australia, Further Reading: Universal Medicines Serge Benhayon to inherit bulk of devotees million-dollar estate Sydney Morning Herald 28 December, 2015. Serge will say that if you drink alcohol, supernatural entities can invade you, Esther explains. Not dissimilar from the Office of Fair Trading complaint, which failed largely because they didnt have the power, or authority, to act. The esoteric is all encompassing and it comes from that which is found in the inner-heart centre of every individual. I cant believe people can do this and get away with it. Similarly, that money went towardconstruction ofa 1.8M premises forUMs UK commercial events in Somerset rented for three months of the year at a knockdown rate of 6,000. Squeaky clean, why give it directly to Serge & spiritually exploit a dying, vulnerable, probably frightened.... You, Esther explains received a heftyreturn Benhayon even insists that women shouldnt play sport the... It comes from that which is found in the inner-heart centre of every individual everything... A palliative care nurse has expressed her anger at the case million-dollar estate the... 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